1. Hi Carlton. Is it possible to daisy-chain multiple JC41’s together? Currently on my Plasma 3 I’m using the EW-90b 5 port mounted under the stem, but I want to relocate it to the top of the seatpost. I there a way to accomplish this with only one wire running from the cockpit to the EW-90(a or b) on the seatpost? Thanks.

    1. Author

      Eric, yes, the jc41 is basically just a connector to mate wire ends together. You can use them anywhere in the system.

  2. Hi Carlton

    I’m pulling my hair out. After an initial 6 months of perfect Di2 when it was fitted as an aftermarket fit, I noticed my battery life was shortening dramatically, to the point where it would go from plenty of charge to fully discharged in minutes. Over the last year the dealer and me have now changed every component on the system, including the corroded 650mm cable from junction B to the RD that I spotted after its last visit to the shop (cable & box B both renewed). All of the firmware is up to date, the SM-PCE1 reports no errors but since the last full charge a week & half ago it’s managed one 10 mile test run, a couple of commutes and 3 laps of the Great Orme before giving up the ghost and showing solid red.

    Any thoughts? My clutching at straws idea is that the new battery suffered with the slightly corroded connection at box B and was fully discharged, or that the apparently minor issue of the system needing to be re-indexed every time the battery is reconnected after a charge may be a bigger issue than it looks. Where do I go next to get it back to the Di2 that everybody else enjoys?

    1. What I did with this same problem was recharging, disconnect a componenr (rear derailleur for example), see whats happening, If no drain, problem found and otherwise, recharge the battery and disconnect some another compontent. Turned out that in my case the battery holder was draining the system. Simply charge the battery, disconnect the battery holder, insert the battery and see what happens…. The batteryholder was replaced under garantee by shimano in the 23th month…

      1. Now that sounds feasible. RD, FD, both shifters, both junction boxes, all wires and two new batteries haven’t resolved it. Battery mount? It’s still the original afaik. Thanks for the tip, and the trouble-shooting ideas. Really appreciate that. I’ll give it a go.

        1. Follow-up. I replaced the battery mount, which means that every component including cables has been replaced since December 2012. The batteries (new and spare) have lasted 7 & 9 days respectively, with ~100 miles out of them. Not good.

          The idea of disconnecting components in turn to see what happens sounds good but with it taking a week or so to die that’s potentially 8 weeks without using it, which I’m not keen on. Suggestions welcome…


  3. Nice article and I am all about giving good information like this to consumers. Just thought I would post my experience with Di2 here to further enlighten consumers on managing their Di2 set up themselves.

    Solid 6-8 months use and 100s of miles not a hint of problems. Thought I’d run my own diagnostics and maintenance by myself since I work in the tech field. My undocumented discoveries were as follows:

    MacBook Pro + VMware Fusion Windows setup:

    Not a windows / pc guy AT ALL, so set myself up with VMWare Fusion running Windows 8 on OS X. All good, got the e-tube software to install but for some reason USB was not picking up the (SM-PCE1) PC Connector tool properly. Thought the SM-PCE1 was faulty so exchanged it for a new one but same thing no connection.
    Set up VMWare again but this time running Windows 7 everything worked fine with USB. I have read there are problems in general with Shimano’s e-tube software and USB drivers on Windows 8.

    SM-BTR2 Internal Battery Firmware 3.0.5

    Upgraded the firmware for a few on the Di2 components in my setup. The Internal Battery being one of them. When I put everything back to together my bike refused to shift any gear at all. I ran a lots of checks and lots of tests. The shifters worked fine,the front and rear derailleur worked fine. Everything pointed to the battery.
    I was so confused since the battery had worked flawlessly for months over 100s of miles how could possibly go out of wack in an instant !
    After running a million tests all and seeing all the evidence point to battery issues. After following instructions in the e-tube software to connect the battery directly to my computer and still seeing problems. I decided to head out and buy an new battery to see if indeed this was the issues.
    Got home with new battery and plugged in directly to my compter right away. Synched up fine and requested a firmware update. The new battery was on v2.3.2 and I was being prompted to update to 3.0.5. I ignored this and plugged the battery right into my bike and it worked fine and began to charge.

    Based on this experience I am pretty convoked there is either some issue with the new 3.0.5 firmware or something went wrong with the install of the new firmware that corrupted my battery.

    For the time being. Im not doing anymore firmware updates from Shimano on any of the components. As long as I can adjust my gear shifting and configure things how I want that pretty much all I need.

    But would love to hear other experiences with firmware updates to the battery.

    1. the symptoms you describe are well documented for systems using 10 speed mixed with 11 speed components as they are NOT compatible with 3.0.5. I have updated many systems with the newer versions of e tube project with no problems.

      1. I plug an etube wire into the bottom port on my st 6860, cut it in half and touch the wires together and it shorts them and shifts the RD, so I know I am good there, but when i try to attach the cateye wires to the open e tube wires, i dont get a shift. any tips on what I am doing wrong?

        1. There is not enough information here for me to understand what you are doing.

  4. Hi Carlton, thanks for the info.

    I’m currently using the Ultegra 6770 with sti shifter. I’m building a triathlon bike and would like to use the old system.
    What do I need to get, like bar end shifter, internal battery and shifter on the brake handles.
    Thanks in advance 🙂

  5. Hi Carlton. I have a TT bike and currently run ultegra 6700 di2 with only aero bar shifters . I want to add bar end shifters. I only have a 3 way junction box currently. Correct me if im wrong but i will need to buy the TT shifters (ST-6871 Ultegra Di2 bar shifters), some wires and a 5 way junction box? Also will all this new stuff be compatiable with 6700 series di2. Thanks in advance.

    1. Author

      Dan, you are correct in all points. Other option is to keep the 3 port junction and use a jc41 junction to connect wires from 3 shifters and then connect that to the 3 port junction.

  6. Dear Carlton,

    Any chance you know already if the new XTR Di2 system will be any compatible with the roadbikes setup Dura-Ace or/and Ultegra?

    For example:
    Will the shifters be usefull on a Ultegra setup, or can you replace an Ultegra RD by an XTRDi2 RD?
    And do you need to replace the junction SM-EW-90A for the XTR to work?

    I’m using now an customized Ultegra on my mountainbike, that’s why I’m asking…


    1. Author

      Dries, I’m not sure about XTR compatibility but I’ve wondered the same thing. I’ll update the info above if/when I learn more.

      1. Looking at the MTB section of this chart, it seems that it is possible to run a complete 9070 as an MTB set up (i.e. sequential shifting) but the RD must be MTB 9050 type. It seems to preclude the use of FD6870, which doesn’t seem to make sense and RD9070/6870. I imagine that once the 9050 kit has been widely available for a while, people will experiment.

  7. I am looking at adding di2 shifters to the bullhorns on my TT bike with hydraulic brakes. Does anyone know if Shimano is planning to make one similar to the 6871 for bikes with hydraulic brake systems. IE Cervelo P3, P5 tt bikes.

  8. Hi Carlton, thanks so much for this site!!, I am planning on installing TT shifters (SW-R671) on my bike with SM-EW67-A-E junction and ST-6770 shifters. In your post you mention I will need an extra SM-JC41 junction (…SM-JC41 Rear B Junctions can be used to connect this front A junction to TT/Triathlon shifters…). Can you clarify how the wiring would be? I am assuming it is SM-EW67-A-E to one of the four outlets at the new SM-JC41 and then the other three would be one to the rear SM-JC41 and the other two to the TT shifters. Or is it that I use the remaining terminals at ST-6770 shifters to connect to two of the outlets at SM-JC41 and the other two to the TT shifters? Really appreciate your help to define the right cables to buy (i.e. one small cable in first option or two cables). Thanks. Ricardo

    1. Author

      Richard, you’ll need to connect everything in the cockpit (all the shifters) together using the SM-JC41 and then connect the SM-JC41 Front Junction A. All of the shifters need to be “in front” of the Front Junction A; they can’t connect directly to the Rear Junction B. Hope this helps!

      1. Sorry but this is not correct. It makes absolutely no difference where the shifters are plugged in in fact they need not be plugged into the junction A location at all. you can plug them in anywhere, same goes for all e tube components with the exception of the sprint shifter. Thats how CANbus works…

  9. I don’t have any 10 speed components. Just Dura Ace 9070 FD and RD. I believe this to be a firmware compatibility issue between components specifically relating to the battery. Shimano have since released a 3.0.6 firmware update for the variations of battery set ups.

  10. Hi,

    Do you know if the 9070 shifters will control the 6870 derailleurs?


  11. Hi, I have maybe a simple question. I am building a Ultegra Di2 system, and would like to ask if its possible to use a “normal” lithium battery instead of SM-BTR2 or SM-BTR1?, thinking of using a SM-EW90 to charge it through. Thanx, Per

    1. Author

      Per, no, it’s not really possible to use a “standard” lithium ion battery. It requires special charge protection circuitry to make sure it doesn’t blow up when being charged, and this is a very real problem. You also need the Shimano circuity (external battery base) to put the battery on the CAN bus. If you’re looking for a non-Shimano battery, the one offered by Di2diy is the only option I’ve seen.

  12. I have a Di2 DA 10 speed system. The front derailleur seems faulty shifting back and forth with a clicking sound. No cycle shop is able to diagnose the problem. Don’t know if you’ve ever heard of this and my question is will an Ultegra Di2 fd 10 speed be compatible if it needs to be replaced?

  13. Do you know whether it will be possible to run a road 9070 system with the MTB SC-M9050 system display, which allows for sequential shifting?

  14. Hi, my Ulegra RD-6770 Rear derailleur cable got loose 3 times the last 4 weeks (when going over cobbles). I use the TL-EW02 to connect the cable again, but it feels like there is no ‘grip’ in the connector anymore. Should I clean the connector, replace the wire or (hopefully not) replace the derailleur? Any thoughts?

    1. This is a known issue with early generation 6770 rear derailleurs. I had the same issue and Shimano replaced it under warranty. Mine would just fall out and there was no “click” when the wire was inserted.

  15. Hi – I’m re-building my di2 from a road bike to a tt: meaning I have RD-6770 rear and FD-6770 front connected via SM EW67A to 2 times ST 6770.
    I have had 2 times SW-R671 (on an aerobar) connected .
    Worked fines with all 4 shifters!

    Now: replaced 2 times ST 6770 with 2 times new ST-6871 on TT-handlebar. Have also bought the SM-EW90B connection box – but only the SW-R671 on the aerobar works – and only if the SM-EW90B is connected to one of the to wires from the SM EW67A (I thought the SM EW67A should be replaced with SM EW90B).

    How do I get the the 2 times ST-6871 to work?

    Thanks very much in advance 🙂

    best regards

    1. You need to update the system firmware with e tube project

      1. Thanks. But how is the best way to this?? Buy the Shimano SM-PCE1 PC?? And is it the firmware in the rear and the front shifters?

        1. I would go with the PCE1 unless you are running the internal battery BTR2, than go with the BCR2…, you can only use one junction A box EW67 or EW90, same answer unless you are using a BTR2 the EW67 can be configured by just adding a JC41 junction.

          1. thanks very much, I’m running the ecternal battery. Using the EW67 and JC41 would leave me with only 3 ports for shifters (and not 4 as needed), I think..

          2. than the easiest thing would be the 5 port EW90, otherwise you need two JC41… unless you have soldering skills, than you could splice two shifters… BTW you only need one of the two cables to be plugged into the setup from the EW67

          3. although it may be possible to use the control from the XTR sequential shifting, I know of no one who has done it, and since I cant think of a reason why one would need/want sequential shifting on a road bike I’m not compelled to do the research to make 9070 di2 sequential shifting. Fairewheel bikes did it back in 2010 on the 7970 di2 for a project bike but I don’t think it ever actually had a real purpose… just a fun project.


      2. and, sorry forgot to ask: do the two connection boxes still need to be in? or can I remove the SM EW67A – and just connect via the SM EW90B?


  16. Is there a way, with DA Di2 to program the shift pattern or map? I’d like to set it so when shifting the FD, the RD automatically shifts up or down to give me the next gear reatio.

    1. although it may be possible to use the control from the XTR sequential shifting, I know of no one who has done it, and since I cant think of a reason why one would need/want sequential shifting on a road bike I’m not compelled to do the research to make 9070 di2 sequential shifting. Fairewheel bikes did it back in 2010 on the 7970 di2 for a project bike but I don’t think it ever actually had a real purpose… just a fun project.

      1. Not exactly sequential. I don’t need it to step through the gears, I do want RD to respond to an FD shift…. Shifting of RD would not affect FD (except regular automatic trimming), shifting FD would trigger RD shift. Depending on the tooth numbers, of course, and FD shift spans 2-3, maybe even 4 read cogs, so when I shift from big ring to small, I inevitably also shift the RD two to three places to get to the next lower gear.

        1. it cannot be setup to automatically shift the RD based on changing the FD. All you can do for the RD is setup multi shift of the RD to move 1,2, or 3 cogs (or unlimited) when you hold down the shifter button, but this is a manual shift made by you.

          1. Well I bought everything to upgrade to 11 speed Ultegra Di2 including the SM-PCE1….

            Anyone been able to get the SM-PCE1 to work on a MAC, no PC devices in this house? I am running Windows 7 via VirtualBox which works fine, the ETube software is installed but it will not recognise the SM-PCE1. The instructions say that it should ask for a driver but it doesn’t?

            Getting frustrated now if anyone has had success using MAC, please HELP! 🙁

          2. This topic has been covered in a previous post.

  17. Wow great article!

    I want a gradual upgrade to my Ultegra Di2 from 10 to 11 speed. I am running at the moment with the Dura-Ace 9000 crank and 11 speed chain without issue but I cannot interchange quickly wheels between bikes without removing cassettes.

    So the plan is to get an 11s cassette and RD-6870, can this be set up without any firmware updates, thus avoiding the dreaded FD-6870 issue? I know it will need setting up mechanically but was hoping firmware could be left until a lter date when I have more Monet to spend…


    1. Its not the FD or RD firmware that is at issue its the battery/power source that will require an update for you to use 11 speed FD with RD. If you are thinking of using the mechanical limit screws to run it as 10 speed I would not recommend it, it will eventually ruin tha RD servo. Just wait till you can do the complete upgrade.

      1. Maybe I didn’t ask the question correctly? Firstly I am not buying the FD-6870 to run as a 10 speed that will stay as 6770, I will buy the RD-6870 so there should be no maxing out of the limit screws on anything. Its further up above in one of the articles where is says that you can change to 11 speed just by changing the RD, but this all goes wrong if the latest firmware is applied.

        So I guess the question is do I need a firmware update or can I just update (for now) to RD-6870. I don’t see how this will max out any limit screws but I may be missing something?

        1. Mostly the same answer; Its not the FD or RD firmware that is at issue its the battery/power source that will require an update for you to use the 11 speed RD. So it is likely that the system will require a update just so it can be used with whatever battery setup you have since its now 10 speed ultegra. I misunderstood and thought that you were planning to stay 10 speed and where going to make the RD 6870 run 10 speed by using the limiting screw to lock out the last cog as some have done. I would wait till you can do it correctly and run both FD/RD 11 speed. you can try it but there is a >50% chance you will need to update it just to make it shift.

          1. Thanks for the quick reply!

            I was just taking it from Note 5 in the article where is states that only the RD needs swapping out to make it 11 speed without mentioning a firmware update. I guess I will have to buy the SM-PCE1 and figure out how to get the software on a MAC, Parallels I believe….

          2. Oops don’t know why that last post ended up in someone else’s thread….

            Anyway I got it working on VMWare Fusion, but after hours of trying different things it will not recognise any part of my 6770 setup! :-S

            This is before I try and upgrade to 11 speed components, tells me to check cables but that’s getting boring now its all connected fine….

  18. I have a question, I crashed over the weekend and need a new Di2 RD, I am currently running 10 speed Ultegra 6770 Di2 across the bike. my version of eTube has never been updated since I purchased Di2 after market well over a year ago.

    Having read the above article I am under the belief that since I currently have C24 9000 Wheels, I can just buy the 6870 11 Speed RD, 11 Speed Cassette and Chain and I can just plug it all in and it work.

    All the bike shops here are saying I need new shifters, which having read the above article I dont really believe. Am i correct?

    1. you are correct about the shifters, but since your system is setup 10 speed you will likely not be able to get the RD6870 to shift without updating the system, to be guaranteed that you will be able to go to 11 speed you will need to buy both FD&RD, update the system and it will work just fine.

      1. Cool, just ordered the FD as well just to be sure. Better to be safe than sorry.

  19. Hi, great article.

    Ive got Di2 9070 and there is a SERIOUSLY annoying rattle coming from the front end that manifests itself only on rough roads, which unfortunately make up the majority of the roads i ride on!

    I have been advised it is probably the levers because apparently “they all do it”, which I was thrilled to hear…

    Have you come across this issue before? Any idea of how to cure it?

    Thanks in advance


    1. I ride rough roads and get a lot of cable slap (internal routing, didn’t use the provided zip ties), I don’t notice any lever rattle.
      Easy enough to check, just keep your hands on the levers… over the hoods, around the front to either silence, or feel for rattling.
      If you are riding a carbon frame, a loose headset or loose brake mounting bolts can also be very noisy, dangerous and damagine, so you’ll want to check all.


    Really pulling my hair out and struggling with this SM-PCE1, it will not recognise anything other than the battery, if it is plugged in by itself and I now have 2 rear derailleurs that do not work RD-6770 and the new RD-6870, if it can’t see them and write firmware updates then how can it render them useless?

    I dare not connect anything else as it seems if I try and get it to talk to a unit individually then it destroys it and it won’t work when connected back up in the system. The FD-6770 and FD-6870 still work okay but again they cannot be recognised by the SM-PCE1.

    FYI I am using V2.5.2 firmware….

    It performed a successful update of the SM-BMR1 but only ever see this if its connected directly…

    Any help really appreciated or point me in the direction of any forums etc that may be able to assist.

    1. …and now its stooped recognising the battery……

      1. Be sure you are using the latest version of e tube. Update each compliment by its self one at a time, also be sure you have the correct driver for the PCE1, reboot the computer after. Also you can tot mix 6770/6870 FD/RD

        1. Hi there, tx for the reply. It will not recognise any device if I plug them in 1 by 1 directly or in the circuit. How would I know if I had the correct driver for the PCE1 I just let it load the default but is there a way to update overide it other than through device manager?

          I’m not mixing any components got my old FD and RD 6770 and new 6870’s. But neither RD works now. also noticed that pressing and holding the SM-EW67 no longer gives me a red setup light?

          I really wanted this to work, but looks like a 200Km trip to a descent bike shop to sort it out… 🙁

          1. I tried again, another 2 hours of nothing, recognises nothing at all, doesn’t matter if its just individual units. Goes through the same old routine of check wires and trying to overwrite firmware even though it hasn’t detected a device.

            Maybe its a faulty unit, is there any way of checking this out other than having the green light illuminated? Only way for me to know otherwise is to take it to the not so LBS and if there’s works mine if faulty….

            DAMN this things!

          2. Try another computer since you had it partualy working at one point. Not had this issue on any thing I have worked on but it’s possible the files have been corrupted by trying to do the update over and over.

          3. Tried on a neighbours Windows based PC, still no connection to the system 🙁

            If I could try the RD’s on another bike I could figure out if it is them that are not working or something else is stopping the function. If I hold down the switch it does not go to settings mode (red LED) for the RD or FD any more…

            Have there been many faulty SM units reported faulty or are most errors within the electrical system and software of the bikes themselves?

          4. This is the first time I have heard of this issue.

          5. Tx for all your help anyway. Yesterday I took it to the shop and they think its a cabling/switch issue as all the components work when plugged into another bike. Trouble is this means taking it back to the original shop as its under warranty! 🙁

          6. Here’s an update to my situation and it isn’t too good!

            Took the bike into the shop and they got it all working again with 10 speed components. Great so its all working again and updated to the latest firmware. Then we tried to switch to RD-6870 and it doesn’t work. No problem we think, now it is the latest firmware it needs FD-6870 so we put that on and still no joy, but the FD works, not the RD?

            This is the second bike they have had this week that when updated to latest firmware the 11 speed RD does not function even with the 11 speed FD.

            So we are waiting for the Spanish Shimano importer to come back to us.

            Any advice or has something else changed in the firmware?

          7. The symptoms you describe are that of a mismatched firmware, and or mixing 6770/6870 deraullers. Be sure to updat each configuration as a system.

  21. I am currently running dura ace 7900 mech on my 2011 giant tcr advanced sl 1. Thinking of going to di2. I assume the ultegra 6700 will run on my dura ace cassette, chain and chain rings?

  22. I’d appreciate it someone would confirm something for me please. With the latest e-Tube version, is it possible to convert 6770 to 11 speed if both the FD & RD are replaced with 6870? Thanks

  23. Hi Carlton,
    when you mentioned the sattelite shifters SW-R600 you should be aware that you also can install two to also shift the front dereilleur (I have two and in wörks)
    Greetings, Dirk

    1. Dirk,
      Are you using a 10 or 11 speed setup? I want to only use a pair of SW-R600 and get conflicting reports of functionality with FD.
      Thanks – Todd

  24. Hi, i am using Di-2 6770 on 3 Cyclocross bikes last season without any problem. Now i start to upgrade to RD 6870 with 10-speed shifters. I am testing one bike with single chainring and without FD. With my old RD 6770 10-speed everything is fine. If i switch the RD 6870 on, nothing happens! I try to connect the RD6870 to the system, but does not work. I switched the RD6870 to my DA9070 Roadbike and it works once a time. I switched back to the Cyclocross bike and nothing works. Then i switched again to the DA 9070 system and the RD6870 does not work anymore. Back switching RD9070 to DA System works fine. Backswitching RD 6770 to the Cyclocrossbike works fine too. I also changes the batteries, but nothing works with the RD6870. It works only once a time

    i also switched to an complete new DI-2 6870 Group. My RD 6870 works fine. Then i switched back to the Cyclocrossbike….nothing works.

    Maybe someone could help me….is the missing FD the key ?

    Thanks in advance, Stefan

    1. You need to update the firmware.

    1. whatever is the latest… when you open up e tube project it always checks to see if you have the current version.

  25. Ok, i will check it in the near future. Is there any problem about mixing FD 6770 with RD 6870 or without any FD after the update? Thanks again!

    1. They can not be mixed, FD/RD must be the same.

  26. hello. I have a fd and rd 6700 with internal battery and 5 port front junction. can I use e tube software to have it install multishift? thx

    1. Yes if it’s actually a 6770, 6700 is mechanical.

  27. in your note #5 you mentioned you can upgarde from 10 speed to 11 by switching chain, cassette and RD to 6870 and leaving th FD as 6770. however in some replys you indicated that you need to change both FD and RD to either 6870 or 9070. please clarify. thanks

    1. It was true when Clayton originally posted the info, but Shimano made changes to the firmware a couple of months ago to put an end to people saving money.

  28. Hi Carlton. Wonder if you might be able to help me. The front shifting on my 6870 set up is not as crisp as I would like – often on up shift there is a slight delay while the chain ‘chatters’ before it lifts onto the big ring. I have tried every conceivable adjustment to the derailleur, ensuring is set exactly parallel to the rings and fully supported by the support bolt, and that the height above the rings is correct. The problem seems to be the electronic adjustment. There are 25 steps to the electronic adjustment, and the Shimano install guide recommends that it should be set so that there is 0 to 0.5 mm between the cage inner plate and the chain. When in adjustment mode even in the outermost electronic adjustment position there is still a gap of at least 2mm to the chain. If have checked the chain line in case the BB is not installed correctly and it is bang on the specified 42.5 mm from the centre of the BB shell to the midpoint between the chainrings, so I am very puzzled as to why the front shifter apparently cannot be adjusted according to Shimano’s instructions. I have the latest firmware installed. Could my front shifter be faulty in some way? Any advice gratefully received!
    Thanks, Mark

    1. I had exactly the same, solved by adjusting the (H)igh and (L)ow adjustment screws, in my case easing the H out a little further….

      1. Kevin, thanks I’ll give that a try. Does moving the H screw out a bit further increase the range of movement of the shifter when in electronic adjustment mode?

        1. It does indeed set the furthest points that the electronic shifting will shift to. Do the adjustment on the big ring at the front and small at the back, keep easing the cage out a little further until you get an instant pickup from small to big ring. That’s all I did after searching YouTube for a video and it works superbly now….

          1. I have the same issue with front shifting. I experienced a noticeable difference in shifting by changing heigth of the cage.

  29. Hi Carlton, Firstly my compliments on such a brilliant site..without its existence and your extensive knowledge the Di2 world would be a much poorer place!
    Anyway on with my question..,and apologies if this one has been answered before but I need to be 100% certain I will be doing the right thing by upgrading my relatively new (August 2014) 6770 10 speed system to 11 speed, by fitting a new rear 6870 11 speed derailleur?.ie: retaining the 6770 FD and shifters. I will obviously be fitting a new 11 speed cassette and 11 speed chain. I have to admit to being a bit of a novice with Di2 and realise you have mentioned about not updating the firmware above v2.0.6, otherwise the mix of 6870 and 6770 will not work, so with my existing new 6770 system and the fitting of a brand new 6870 rear derailleur, do you think this system will already have the new firmware installed and thus not allow the mix to work?

    1. You need to buy the FD6870, without updating the firmware the RD will not work.

      1. Cheers for your speedy advice Di2diy. So even fitting 6870 on both derailleurs will still require the firmware updated at my LBS then? Presumably as I am mixing with my 6770 shifters?

        1. Most likely, depending on when the system was last updated.

          1. Many thanks for your help Di2. Looks like a trip to the shop.:-)

  30. 6770 now discontinued 🙁

    If you do break a mech or shifter (like me) be prepared to buy used on eBay or similar as stocks of new kit will quickly dry up and mixing 6770 and 6870 seems to be no longer possible.

  31. My 6870 kit has just arrived. Is there anything wrong with connecting the components on the lounge room floor and checking they work. I don’t want to dismantle my mech setup to find that I have a dodgy component.

    1. I did and didn’t have any issues. Even did the firmware update prior to installing any component.

  32. Hi, I have attempted to update my 6770 group so that I can use multishift, however all that happens is that similar to another user (Kevin) the system continually attempts to update the firmware in all the components, without actually recognising any. I now have a shifter which the system says is faulty, was working fine before, but now won’t do anything.

    Any help is appreciated.

    1. Never sorted mine, took it to the LBS they couldn’t figure it and even spoke to Shimano España who didn’t know what the problem was. I returned everything as they felt maybe something was faulty, couldn’t be bothered with the hassle of trying again so stuck with 10 speed for now. Maybe you got my faulty stuff from Bike Discount in Germany! 🙂 🙂

  33. Hey, I read whole article and all questions/answers.
    Today, i will try to update my Ultegra 6770 Di2 10-speed. I have E-tube 2.8.2 installed and seems ready to update all components, but now i am confused about corrupting my fine working setup. Should I hit the update button for all my components? Or do I need to pay attention to something? My ultegra di2 setup is a never updated one since i bought them on June 2013. Think all of them are in factory settings. I also read an aricle which says to update SM-BMR1 with e-tube 2.3.2. Now i really don’t know what to do 🙂 Any comments are more than welcome.

    1. 2.8.2?? current version is 2.8.1… the only reason you would NEED to update is because something needs to be changed like multi shifting settings, and the current version of e tube Project has an error when doing so. Other reasons may include just wanting to have an up to date system, or adding new items like a remote shifter… personally I keep my system up to date, for the same reason I update apps on my phone, or computer… because future updated released versions do not always work well after several revisions have been missed. Yes some people have reported having issues when doing updates, however I suspect they do not read/understand the prompts when doing the updates, or are trying to update systems that have not been keep up to date across several version changes.

  34. Yes current vesion 2.8.1, sorry for writing 8.2
    My reason to update is to use D-fly with edge 1000. I do accept that I am late to update my setup. I should have done it a year ago. That’s why, now i’ll try to catch up current versions.
    But i don’t want to ruin my working setup. Just want to be sure about how to perform updating.
    Is there an order which i need to follow or not? Maybe i can update with 2.3.0 then 2.5.0 then 2.8.1 🙂

  35. Yes current vesion 2.8.1, sorry for writing 8.2
    My reason to update is to use D-fly with edge 1000. I do accept that I am late to update my setup. I should have done it a year ago. That’s why, now i’ll try to catch up current versions.
    But i don’t want to ruin my working setup. Just want to be sure about how to perform updating.
    Is there an order which i need to follow or not? Maybe i can update with 2.3.0 then 2.5.0 then 2.8.1

    1. You will definitely need to update the system. Order doesn’t matter, just follow the prompts. You will be ok.

  36. I have an Ultegra 6870 complete groupset with Sprint Shifters on my new Felt F2. Can I buy the SW-R600 and plug it into one of the ports of the Right Brake/Shifter lever? Thanks

    1. Yes there is one port left on both sides, you will likely need to update the firmware if you want to program the buttons to shift the way you want, the factory settings may not be to your liking.

  37. Good afternoon, I have a Dura Ace Di2 group and am encountering the following prblema with my rear derailleur:
    when I switch gears, two red lights flash 5 times together and exchange moves alone.
    Can anyone give me some guidance?
    Thank you

      1. Thank you!
        already reviewed the battery, did a load without the need and the problem continues. may be some bad contact in connector cables?

  38. I’m a new Di2 user and learned a ton reading the article. I just got my new Felt F2 with Ultegra 6870 Di2. It came with the Sprint shifters installed on the drops. I would like to install the Climbing shifters on the Bar top as well. Can I just plug the climbing shifter into the Right Dual Brake/Shift lever or do I need to buy the 5 port junction box? Thanks for you help. I’m loving the Di2 setup.

    1. Sorry, didn’t think my first post took. I updated the firmware last night. Worked perfectly. Any suggestions on the best place to purchase the Climbing shifter? Thanks again.

      1. Ebay. When you connect the shifters you will need to update the firmware in the buttons to change the settings.

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