1. I’m considering upgrading my existing new P3 from mechanical to Di2. I’m comfortable with what I believe should be the hard steps but it’s some of the simple steps (that I’ve never done) that have me questioning whether or not this is a job I can do. I’m comfortable with what parts are needed, wiring everything through my frame, hooking the system up to the computer, firmware updates, etc. What I’m not comfortable with is the actual installation of the front and rear derailleur – I’ve never installed a derailleur before. How easy is it to screw this job up by installing the derailleurs wrong? Is there an art to it that only a bike professional is going to be able to do well?

    1. Replacing a derailleur is easy, Di2 is easier than mechanical. Watch a couple of youtube videos about it and you will know what to expect. If you can turn a wrench and follow written instructions, it’s a snap.

      For both FD & RD, install adjust strictly according to the Shimano Dealer Manual. For the FD, pay particular attention to setting the height of the FD (gap between large chainring and bottom of FD) as well as lining up the FD cage with the large chainring. On the RD, adjust the “B” screw carefully. When you are done, you will think it was easy.

      1. Thanks for the reply. It’s really the b-screw adjustment that I have no idea about. Can you elaborate on what is required there for a successful install? My cassette is typically 12-25 but I may run an 11-23 sometimes.

  2. Looking at the EW-SD50 wires it appears that they have something attached that almost looks like a zip tie a few inches long. Can anyone comment on the purpose of these?

    1. So it won’t rattle in the tube.

  3. Hi Carlton – are you still monitoring this post? My Shimano Ui2 6770 is working properly outside of the SM-EW67-A-E Ultegra 3-Cable Junction not luminating to display battery life – is there a rest? Or what am I missing? Thanks

    1. Author

      Hi James. You’re not the first person who’s complained of this. I haven’t heard of someone specifically solving the problem, so I’ll give you my best guesses. It could be firmware related, but I don’t think so. It’s most likely an issue with the SM-EW67-A-E Junction A. Replacing it would verify that it’s the problem. Another possibility is battery degradation causing the system to be unable to accurately measure charge level, but I doubt this would be the case unless you were experiencing very poor battery lift.

    2. Yep, I’ve had the same issue – looking to upgrade junction box to the SM-EW90 as a result.

  4. I just ordered a new cervelo P 3 in the Ultegra 11 speed Di2 version. It has. Magura Rt6 brakes on an Auro bar. Is there a way to install dura ace brake levers with Di2 shifters?

    1. Author

      Tammy, the short answer is that it’s not possible to use the Di2 brake/shifters without switching your brakes from hydraulic to conventional cable brakes.

      If you are extremely motivated, it’s possible to attach cateye-style remote push buttons to the magura brake leavers and then hack/solder them onto a Shimano control board (inside an existing Shimano Di2 shifter). Several people have done it, but it’s not an easy mode and it’s definitely not a “stock” configuration. In general, I wouldn’t recommend this.

      Shimano will probably offer hydraulic Di2 Triathlon in the next year or two. In the mean time, most people find cable brakes to offer great performance. Or just stay with the bike as delivered.

  5. Hi – great site…Ive got an SWorks Roubaix SL3 running Ultegra Di2 6770 and want to upgrade some of the components. I want to go from an SM-EW67-A-E junction box to a 5 port SM-EW90 and also go from external battery to the SM-BTR2 or similar. I’m assuming that this will be straight forward with just the purchase of the above mentioned items? – I’ll upgrade the software through e-tube project as well prior to commencement if its a straight forward upgrade. Look forward to your advice….

  6. James,

    I have a take of SM-EW67 that works perfectly that I will sell cheap. send me your email addy if interested.

  7. I got my Di2 install completed. I have a 10-speed system but i used your recommendation to go with the FD-6870 and RD-6770. Everything seems to be working but when running the Shimano Etube software I get a warning “The combination of FD-6870(RD11 gear specifications) and RD-6770(10 gears) does not allow the bicycle to function properly”. I assume this wearing can be safely ignored? The software does let me update firmware on all components and customize the settings.

    1. It will work just fine. The FD will autotrim for a 10 speed and you may or may not get some chain rub in 53×28 or 39×11, combos you should not be using anyhow.

  8. Trouble shooting question.
    I hit a pothole today and my Ultegra Di2 stopped working. I hit the reset button and it is still not working. Any ideas would be helpful thanks.

    1. I would take the cable insertion tool and remove and reinsert each cable end. Also reseat the battery, then reset the button

      1. This is why you need to leave a loop of slack at the lever. The lever moved when you hit the hole, and the connector came loose at the lever port, almost guaranteed.

  9. Hi Carlton,
    I’m having problems pairing the SM-EWW01 wireless unit to my Garmin 1000. I put the Garmin in pairing mode (select add a sensor – select Di2) as I have an internal battery I then remove and reconnect both cables from the wireless unit (as per instruction) and then press a gear up and down as instructed on the Garmin screen. The Garmin doesn’t find the unit. Tried numerous times. Wireless unit is connected via the original cable going to RD and cable from wireless unit now goes to RD.


    1. Problem solved internal battery need upgrading to firmware 3.2.1. Use battery charger plugged into PC and download Shimano’s E-Tube Project Application.


      1. Hi Steve,
        having the same issue with pairing, what do you mean by the internal battery needed upgrading? which internal battery?

  10. Hi there I’m am using the 6770 di2 group set and would like to add tt shifters too .Do I just need a 5 port A junction an 2 cables for my drop down shifter as the tt shifters a have cables all ready on them. Cheers john

    1. if you are adding just TT extensions to your road levers you can just plug them into the open port on the shifters, you will need to update the firmware and set them up

      1. The open port is that the extra hole where the cable goes in to the levers also the junction A I’m using is the one with the twin cables built in, will the shop be able to update my firm ware from this?

        1. You may need to do one side at a time sines the shifter ports on the levers will be full.

          1. Brilliant thanks for your help

  11. My dI2 system worked without problems and than I had a frame crash. It took me a month to get the frame replaced and during that time the di2 was in a box in the garage. After building up the frame, the battery was daily empty. After charging it had 8.39V, after several hours 7.4V and after a day 0V. After eliminating 1 by 1 the components, it turned out that the battery mount was responsible for this. The seller wanted to send it to Shimano for replacement but as I had to do a 12 days stages ride i dsided to return it on my return, i took it with me and charged every day. ( measured the voltage before). The suddenly on day 6 it had 8V after the ride instead of 7.4V and on day 7 suddenly it was 8.3V. Thus a normal use load. The problem had disappeared, did not need to recharge anymore daily. The days before the improvements it was pooring rain and than hot sunshine.

    Can anybody explain to me what exactely in the mount can give this behaviour? And should I go for a replacement anyway or should it be allright now? The mount without cables attatched but with the battery inserted discharged the battery. The battery without mount kept simply its voltage.

    Tnx for explaining this to me.

    1. is water…..protect you battery ; )

      1. If you are asking about the kit I sell on ebay if it’s water proof, yes it is.

  12. I have a new bike with the Ultegra Di2 etube setup and my charge status light blinked green so I thought it was time to charge it. When I hooked it up, and with either AC adaptor for USB or direct to computer, I get no charge indicator or error indicator light. Does the charge status need to flash red before you can charge it or am I wrong in thinking that the charge indicator light should come on? Great site, really have to hunt for useful info on this stuff.

      1. I’m not following you, try what adaptor? I tried a USB adaptor with no light. Am I correct that I should have a light on when charging?

        1. A USB charger adaptor like what came with an iPhone takes a few seconds for the indicator light to come on after it’s plugged in to the battery.

  13. Is it absolutely necessary to have a backing plate or something for front derailleur to push against on the DA 7970 systems? I am trying to install the system on a Dahon folding bike now. It has a front derailleur hanger, but it is not positioned to allow the back of the front derailleur to even allow the angle adjustment screw to push up against anything. Thanks..

    1. Author

      You don’t need the backing plate, but you will need to align the front derailleur per the installation instructions. So you may need to bend or otherwise adjust the bracket to get proper alignment.

    2. If this is on a carbon frame use the plate if the screw will be on a carbon surface. There is quite a bit of pressure and it can easily damage the carbon if for example the chain gets jammed a little during a shift to the big ring. The screw is there to brace the FD during shifting to the big ring and will dig into unprotected carbon.

  14. Problems downshifting:

    Hey folks..I was in the middle of a century ride this weekend and during the last 25 miles has multiple issues downshifting the DA rear Derailleur. This was very sporadic and would work once every ~10+ attempts while it would work every time at other moments.

    Now, i can’t get it to downshift at all. It upshifts (smaller cogs) every time but not down.

    Has anyone had this experience?


  15. I have the 6700 di2, just got the 6870 RD, 6800, cassette, and chain to go to 11 speed. After updating firmware – the e-tube software complained of incompatibility between the 6770 FD and 6870 RD. Result, when pressing shift buttons, nothing happens. However, when I disconnect one of the derailleurs, the other works and vice versa. It seems people have gotten it to work, called Shimano, and wasn’t surprised that the official response is that I have to buy a 6870 FD. Thoughts? I was hoping to save a bit of coin but if Shimano is forcing to upgrade by putting a virtual “off” switch in the software, don’t know what to do…Have some challenging climbs coming up that the 32t will come be nice to have, which was the main reason for the upgrade…

    1. try disconnecting the battery for ~ 1 minute, and than recheck the update be sure all components are updated, not just the RD.

    2. I did see that there are new updates for the components from the e tube project site, it may be possible they have made mods to the FPGA’s to make them not compatible. Please let me know if you still can’t make it work.

      1. Tried your first suggestion with the battery, no go. All components were updated with the most recent firmware. if you look at the firmware history for the components the only unit that is recent in 2014 is the PCE. If Shimano made firmware/software mods to prevent compatibility this is def an example of planned obsolescence. It’s like printer manufacturers having a counter on their printer telling it to stop functioning after so many prints. I’m lost at this point. My local LBS said they’ve performed the same upgrade path (6770 FD with 6870 RD) and it’s worked. Any other thoughts out there?

        1. So again basically if the 6770 FD and 6870 RD are plugged in – nothing happens when shift commands are sent. If I unplug one the derailleur plugged in responds to shift commands. This has been frustrating, especially if this were a deliberately designed off switch injected into the system by Shimano (sorry for the rant). Thanks again for the additional brain power. Any other thoughts are welcome…

          1. I’ll get back to you on this. I need to go test it out and see if it’s the new firmware.

          2. Ok so the new version 2.6.0 has 3 new updates, one for the PCE1/BCR1, one for the batteries, BMR1-2, BTR2 (3.05), and one for the FD 9070/6870. and the result is you can no longer change just the RD to go to 11 speed, you will need to buy a FD6870. I did find a way around this, but I think its too late for you. If you do not update the battery to 3.05 and just the rest of the components, then it will work.

          3. I do not know if its possible to change the battery back to the previous version (doubtful), but you could give it a try if your LBS has the older version

          4. Thanks. I just did some additional checks on older versions of the eTube software and it appears that the battery as you indicate is may be the culprit. Spend money on Battery or Spend money on FD? Going to check with the LBS to confirm the battery is the culprit. Thanks for helping out!

          5. Lets be clear, its not the battery, its the battery mount, SM-BMR1 or SM-BMR2, or SM-BTR2 (seat post battery) as long as the written version is >= 2.0.6 and not 3.0.5 you can run the RD6870 with a 6770 setup. for 9070/6870 the new e tube update (v2.6.0) will update the battery source to 3.0.5 and update the FD, as well as the SM-PCE1/BCR1. However an updated SM-PCE1/SM-BCR2 will still work with the older version of e tube V2.5.X. Also once the battery source has been updated to 3.0.5 you CAN NOT rewrite it back to the older version. You will need to buy the FD6870.

          6. Another little tid bit – 2.3 is the first version to support 6870. eTube v2.3 through 2.5.1 – you get a nag screen saying their may be compatibility issues between 6770 and 6870 but it allows you to still customize. v2.6 nags, then stops you from doing anything but continue to check connections. Also, it appears that if your BMR1 has the most recent firmware, those other versions will not detect the BMR1 and will prompt you to upgrade to the latest eTube 2.6 version.

  16. Hi Carlton, Do you know if the SM GM01 and GM02 rubber grommets fit the older DA 7970 wires? Thanks, Don

    1. You can make the 02 fit if you enlarge the hole with a grout bit and the drummel on slow. The 01 in for 6mm holes.

  17. So swapped out battery holder and system worked right away. My opinion – DO NOT 1) update the battery holder to the 3.0.5 firmware released in July 14, 2014, and DO NOT 2) update eTube software to 2.6.0. All should be fine. I have a rant over at bike radar, but that’s the short of the long.

      1. there will be a bunch of angry people who have converted 6770 systems to 11 speed who will update (e tube 2.6.0) their systems unaware, and then no longer be able to ride their bikes after the update. There may be another reason for Shimano to make this change, but it looks like they have targeted people who have just been upgrading to 11 speed by just changing the RD from 6770 systems.

    1. just understand that you will not be able to use e tube project with that mount, since it will not allow you to enter into updating without a battery source >=V3.0.5, so save the old mount.

      1. yup. I am definitely wiser at this point. Outside of people having accidents (which I haven’t read anything related to safety issues) can’t see a valid reason for a virtual “off” command to be inserted into the firmware code in the event the system detects different versions of hardware when it’s been working since the release of the 6870 etube support. Nuff said- I completely agree, there will be some very upset people. Thanks again for your input and participation in this…helped trouble shoot, point me in the right direction, and confirm suspicions.

      2. Author

        Thanks for the info on this issue. I updated the post to include details on the problem. Please make sure I’ve captured it correctly:

        Important Notice 2014-07-18: There is a compatibility issue with Shimano eTube software version v2.6.0 that prevents 10-speed front derailleurs (FD-6770) from working with 11-speed rear derailleurs (RD-6870.) DO NOT UPDATE FIRMWARE using Shimano eTube software v2.6.0 if you are running an FD-6770 front derailleur and a RD-6870 11-speed rear derailleur.

        The problem component is the battery (external battery mounts SM-BMR1 and SM-BMR2, internal seat post battery SM-BTR2.) If you keep battery firmware at v2.0.6 or earlier, the system will continue function properly. Shimano eTube Software v2.6.0 will update battery firmware to v3.0.5, and will not allow the RD-6870 to work with a FD-6770 setup.
        If the battery firmware is updated to 3.0.5, it CAN NOT be rewritten back to the older version. You will need to either replace the FD-6770 with a FD-6870 (or get a battery with the older firmware and never update it.)

        1. That covers it. As a note people who have 9070/6870 systems who use v2.6 the FD will also be rewritten as well as the battery system, and everything will play well together. Also people who for the first time down load v2.6 e tube project,will need buy FD, and RD 6870’s to go to 11 speed.

          1. My bike currently has 6770 fitted. I’m planning to replace the FD and RD with 6870 and update the firmware on all components to 2.6.0. Will this work?

          2. Just completed a partial Di2 upgrade from Ultegra 6770 to Ultegra 6870. Left the original shifters, wires, junction boxes and battery on the bike. Replaced everything else. Nothing worked until I updated the firmware. Everything worked after the firmware update. Thanks Di2diy for correctly suggesting that this would work.

          3. You are very welcome, thanks for the followup.

        2. Ditto – covers it. Additionally, if users need the eTube Software – v2.3 through 2.5.2 can be downloaded using the following links:






          Though Shimano does not enable any links, there is a pattern in their naming convention, and the old files still exist on their servers (at least when I went through my trouble shooting).

          But again, DO NOT update the software when prompted to v2.6.0

          1. Author

            Thanks, I added the links to older software versions in the post.

        3. Just so I’m clear…I’m running 6770 (10 speed stuff all around) on 2 of my road bikes & one of my tri bikes (tri bike has 2 sets of SW-R671 due to Magura brakes). Since I’m not running anything 11-speed I’m OK to upgrade my firmware when an updates is available?

          1. Author

            You can upgrade, but if you do, you’ll never be able to switch to 11-speed rear derailleur if you do. I don’t know of any features added by the recent software that would be worth giving up that capability. It only updates the battery / battery holder firmware, I don’t know any issues with the old firmware. I wouldn’t go past e-tube 2.5.2 at this point.

          2. Yes, as long as you do not mix 10 speed with 11 speed you will be fine.

        4. My battery firmware is 2.1.1. Will that be OK with the RD-6870 and FD-6770?

          1. only one way to find out… plug the RD in and see if it works. I’m not sure what all the compatibility versions are for each component, but as long as the are up to date with the e tube version you are using it should be fine, as long as you do not update with v2.6.0

          2. Everything worked fine. I did not need to update the firmware in new derailleur. I was lucky in that I updated the 6770 firmware the day before Shimano posted the new E-tube software that would have made impossible without a new front derailleur. The only problem the wrench had was getting the old freewheel hub off.
            I am still confused about the distinction between the version of the E-tube software and the versions of the firmware data files. Wouldn’t any of version of the software go looking for the latest version of the battery mount firmware and try to install it?

          3. Author

            I’m not positive, but I think each version of e-tube software is specific to each firmware release. Otherwise, the firmware might have more features than that version of e-tube could support, and/or the update might not apply correctly. (I’m not positive on this though…)

          4. e tube project versions is the software used to update/wright to the FPGA in each component, the firmware version for each component is what is written to the FPGA of each component. when Shimano adds new products i.e. Road 6870, MTB, Comfort, and now Ebike, the older components need to have the controller area network (CANbus) updated so they can be identified on the network by all components, however sometimes the current firmware version does not need to be changed and can keep the current version, so thats why the numbers do not match, and sometimes do not change each time a new version of e tube project is updated. the battery system is the most often updated because it handles power distribution for every node on the network, and is common to each Shimano product.

        5. I keep seeing reference to this new update messing up bikes that are running the 6870 rear (11-sp) with the 6770 (10-sp) front. I have the opposite configuration as recommended by this site. I am running 6870 front and 6770 rear since my bike is 10-sp and I don’t plan to upgrade to 11-sp for a while. Will this update break my bike as well?

          1. That’s a good question, I doubt it because I think it’s shimanos way of making people buy both to go to 11 speed. I will test it out when I get home and let you know.

          2. Thank you! I would really appreciate your testing it. I’ve got my first full ironman next month and would hate to brake my bike with just weeks to go.

          3. No it will not work, if its working now do not update it,

          4. Author

            Thanks for info on FD-6870 not working with RD-6770. Post updated with latest info.

          5. Sure Carlton, I must say I was a little suprised, but only a little.

          6. Seriously, thank you guys. My last charge (and check for updates) was on 7/13…the day before this update dropped. I surely would have updated had the software told me to and I would have been in a world of hurt. 2 of my 4 rear wheels cannot be converted to 11-sp but I will convert to 11sp eventually. That’s why I bought the 6870 FD and 6770 RD. I’m hoping there are no important firmware updates in the future that I will have to miss out on.

          7. Of course you could buy a FD6770, and not have to worry. You also need to be careful when starting e tube project, even if you say no to updating e tube project it wi still download the support files for the compotes if the computer is on line.

  18. I have the ultegra 6870 DI2, and today while out riding my rear shifter stopped working to shift the rear cassette. I did some reading and thought I may have hit a pothole to throw the rear derailleur into crash mode. I performed the crash recovery and the rear derailleur responded by moving up and down the rear Cassette, But I am still unable to shift. This is all internal routing. any suggestions?

    1. Check the cable on the shifter unplug and plug it back in using the connector tool. be sure there is a relief loop.

      1. Still no power to the rear. I wonder if the cable came loose at the connector by the bottom bracket.

        1. This is when the PCE1 comes in handy for diagnosis, the BCR2 will do nothing to find what may be wrong, so checking the connection manually is the only way to see if there is a connection issue, otherwise check the RD with a PCE1 and see if something has failed. BTW do you have a mix of 11 speed and 10 speed drivetrain?

  19. Hi Di2diy I need information,
    I making a connection to one cable from the shifter left to the shifter right after connecting only one cable in The Junction A, continue perfect function for derailleurs front and derailleurs rear?


    1. If you mean a Y connection with each end going to a shifter, and the tail going to the junction A, yes that will work, it will work with the EW90 or EW67

  20. no exactly….I want first connect shifter left one cable in shifter right and after one cable in junction A. Continue perfect function for derailleurs front and derailleurs rear?

    1. I don’t understand what you are trying to accomplish, buy just give it a try and see.

  21. DI2- Doing nothing. I recently had problems with my RD only shifting to a smaller cog, well when I brought it to my local mechanic it worked, somehow. He suggested putting the system on the PC to see if there was anythnig evident. Once firmware was update, nothing has worked- no lights, only an error light when I connect it to my charger. I have an IM in two weeks and am starting to panic. Any suggestions? If i don’t resolve this soon i will be forced to borrowing a friends bike and setting ip up similar to mine.


    1. what is the Di2 setup on the bike, 9070,6870,6770? what version of e tube project was used to update? what components were updated?

      1. 6070 shifters, 6070 FD, 9070 RD, 5-port JB, seat post battery. Not sure what was updated by mechanic bit when he runs it through the software it shows the incompatabilty of the FD and RD (highlighted in yellow) then doesn’t allow anything else to be done. I plug it into my charger and I get the blinking trouble light. This is very odd as everything has been up and running for 6 months. At this point I really don’t want to sink another $300 for a new battery and JB


        1. If you have a mix of 10 speed like FD 10 speed and 11 speed RD it will no longer work if it’s updated with the latest firmware v2.6. You will need to buy a new 11 speed FD. To test the this is the problem unplug the FD and see if the RD works, than unplug the RD and see if the FD works. The shop who did this for you should sell you what you need at cost aince they did it. Also the problem with the charger updater /BCR2 may be because it’s a different version, you will need to down loas the latest version of e tube 2.6.0 to make it be able to update with it. I assume you have been using your charger to update your firmware.

          1. Di2diy….No, the system was updated using the mechanic’s charger, so i guess my charger needs to be updated…?

            Also, I unplugged the FD and the read did not work. I will try unplugging the RD this evening and see if the front works. T- 12 days and counting and I’m afraid that if I order the 11-speed FD the system still might not work.

          2. Author

            Mark, it doesn’t seem that you have the firmware compatibility problem; RD would have worked if that was the cause. If I were you, I’d get 4 extra di2 cables (and a Junction B to connect them together) and run external lines from your cockpit Junction A to your components to see if you can isolate the problem. It will be easy to plug into the FD/RD, not sure how accessible your battery is.

          3. Mark.. you need to get your hands on a PCE1 to do diagnoses the BCR2 is worthless, and I have seen them fail to update for no reason, there are links to older versions of e tube project on this above try 2.5.2, but I have a feeling that its the RD gone bad… thats what started this problem.

          4. Di2diy, Carlton…Thanks for the help. Unfortunately I do not think I will be able to resolve this issue by July 31 (when I have to leave for my IM). What is really confusing is the sequence of events:

            1. At the end of the century ride derailleur was very inconsistent with downshifting to bigger cog
            2. Crash mode recovery, RD shifted up and down with no issues, however would still not let me downshift once completed
            3. Upon arriving at mechanics shop, everything works perfectly…..?
            4. The bike gets hooked up to the mechanics PC and nothing now works.

            On his PC, once the software recognizes the incompatibility between derailleurs (highlighted in yellow) the following page does has function buttons that are not active (option not available)

            At this point I am very disappointed and am considering selling components after the IM race

          5. Well it’s your call, but seems like you are giving up without much action, as a minimum you could download e tube 2.5.2 and see what happens when you plug it in, if it’s a firmware issue you will know pretty quick, even without doing that you could ask the guy who did the updat what e tube version he used, if not firmware than look at hardware, cables, RD.

          6. Di2diy…This brings to light another complication- I only have Macbooks and can’t find a driver for Mac. My concern is sinking hundreds more into cables, 5-port junction box, and Front derailleur then having Shimano require shifter upgrades soon after. No one local carries the cables so it’s several days before i can get the cables in and test which puts me close to leaving for my race

          7. sounds like a rock and a hard place…have you checked that the battery is charged. good luck!

    2. Mark M – I have a Mac as well. I run Windows 7 on VMWare Fusion and load eTube on it as well as other Windows only applications. There is no Mac support for the eTube project that I’m aware of. There’s several options (some free virtual apps and others paid), but you essentially have to either run a virtual machine or install Windows via Bootcamp. If you’re unfamiliar with this, I’ve never asked them, but I’m sure the apple Genius bar can help (they will probably recommend Parallels, VMWare or Bootcamp. Parallels and VMWare are virtual environments with other OSs (Windows, Linux) that can be run simultaneously along with your Mac OS where Bootcamp only allows you to be in one environment or the other. There are times where some environments have issues with some USB peripherals, I only have experience with VMWare Fusion, so know for certain the eTube software and the PCE-1 works, pretty sure Boot camp will work as well because of that is not a virtual environment. You will however need a Windows install disc/license.

      1. What happened to me was that the derailleur was slightly corroded and therefore it had resistance and would not change to another cog. I could hear the motor trying but it did nothing. Smaller cog worked now and then (less force) bigger cog not. After manually fractioning the cage with some wd40 it started working again. Maybe this is your problem too. Mine corroded when i did not use it for six weeks and it stayed in the garage after wintertime. The pins are apparently not gold bladed…

  22. I am about to have the RD-6870 installed on my bike (I have the 6770 components currently installed). I have already updated the firmware on the 6770 components using e-Tube 2.5.2. When I plug in the RD-6870 should every thing just work or do I need to do any further work with the SM-PCE1?

    1. The RD may need to be updated, but as long as you DO NOT use the new V2.6 e tube you will be fine.

  23. Hi Carlton, would you know if the white Ultrega Di2 wire cover fits the 7970 wire? Thanks again ! you are the best !

    1. Author

      Don, I don’t know for certain, but based on my experience, there is probably enough room to accommodate the larger cable diameter.

  24. I have a 6770 FD that all of the sudden will not shift to the small ring. It will auto trim in the big ring. It acts as if there is no small ring to shift too. I have checked connections, removed and reinserted the battery. Checked the controll box for crash protection. Still will not shift down. Anyone experience this problem and no how to fix it?

    1. buy a SM-PCE1, or go to a LBS that has one, and do a diagnosis on the system, to see if the FD has failed.

    2. Im having the same problem. can you tell me what happened?

  25. I discovered a single hidden button underneath the rubber hood on the very tops of each 9070 lever. What do folks typically configure these for?

  26. About to upgrade my 2013 Felt B12 to Di2 6870 and found this site. Carlton, thank you for the great research and insights into the Di2 offerings/workings. Your site is on par with DC Rainmakers tech site. Excellent work!

    1. Author

      Thank you Dennis! Unfortunately, I believe Ray posts a little more frequently than I do. . .

  27. Hi Carlton. Great write up. I have been offered the Di2 7970 groupset to buy. I see you outlined this model is not compatible with the second generation models. Do you perceive difficulties down the line obtaining parts for the 7970? or any other future problems going with an out of production model?

    1. Author

      Will, everything you said is true about purchasing older non-current products. Just make sure the lower price of the older components justifies the level of risk when compared to the price of newer (and potentially more robust) designs.

    2. Had a guy give me back my SL4 cos of this that I sold on eBay.tosser. there are going to be parts knocking about for a bit yet just not sold on new bikes and possibly not under warranty which is the worst part.

  28. Hi there, you have probably been asked this a thousand times but need to be 100% sure before I purchase. Ok here goes I currently have Di2 6770 system and I would like to upgrade to the DA 9070 11 speed. For this to happen do i need to buy the DA 9070 FD, DA 9070 RD and the DA STI 9070 obviously the 11 speed cassette and chain. Can i use all existing wiring, handle bar control box and the existing battery from the 6770 for this to work. If i have to update firmware how do i do this? Any help or advise would be very much appreciated. Cheers Dan

    1. Carlton. I bought the new shimano di2 disc brakes and a pro mechanic built it up albeit not entirely confidently. After a few rides I noticed the brakes were terrible compared to my 7970 di2 bike. I got the bleed kit and messed up and couldn’t improve it so off to my local evans cycles it went. They said the right shifter was faulty and uk shimano wouldn’t replace so had to return it to a german shop where I bought it. Evans fitted the new one and I picked it up today. It doesn’t appear any responsive than at first? I’ve never had disc brakes so not sure how responsive they should be. The 7970 were very responsive.

  29. Thanks to all for this excellent post and comments. I have a Silverback Scalera 2 which comes with a full Ultegra Di2 build. I just changed over the cassette to 11-32 which has worked fine despite the short cage. I love the wider range gearing which suits my hilly area. The derailleur hanger is quite long on this bike which may help a bit. I just thought others contemplating the same change would like to know it works fine.

  30. Hi guys – I’m trying to do the upgrade of the RD-6770 to a RD-6870, but I’m having issues.
    I downloaded the 2.5.2 e-tube software and ran it. It shows that my SM-PCE1 firmware version is 1.4.0, and my SM-BMR1 is 1.1.2. However, every time I try to update the SM-BMR1 to the higher version I get an error message that says “A unit other than SM-BMR1 is connected. Connect only SM-BMR1 to the PC on its own.”
    I then uninstalled the 2.5.2, installed the 2.5.0, and tried again. Same result.
    My PCE1 connection to the bike is through the left shifter. I have looked at the battery mount, but I can’t see a way to connect the PCE1 directly to the BMR, and just clicking the check marks off at the connection window does not seem to work. Am I missing something? Do I need to take the mount off to find the connector?
    Also, I should comment that the e-tube project software shows in the log window that it is trying to update to firmware 3.0.5. even though I have the 2.5.0 version of the software installed. The first time I saw that message, I cancelled the update. I then disconnected my PC from the internet and tried again hoping a lack of internet connection would prevent the 3.0.5 update. That resulted in an error stating that the software requires an internet connection.

    1. What FD do you have on the bike? The e tube version has nothing to do with the battery version 3.0.5 now that it has been downloaded to your computer. The only thing you can do is uninstall e tube, and reinstall 2.5.2, and make sure your computer is not on line when you start e tube up, or it will still download 3.0.5 for the battery. It you have a 6870 or 9070 FD than download e tube 2.6 and just update the battery. You will need to update the battery by pluging it directally to the PCE1 no matter what version you use. I would recommend you buy a 11 speed FD if you do not have one, since you will have issues everytime you try and update or customize the settings.

  31. Carlton, just looking for your POV on this issue I have. I have a fully equipped BMW w DI2 (9070). Had for more than 1.5yr and everything has been working fine till a couple of weeks ago when I rode through fresh street paint and I had to use a pressure washer to get all the paint off. The battery still works fine but dies REALLY fast… like after a couple of rides and it goes from ‘blinking green’ to full-on dead-empty. Thoughts? And how should I go about checking what is wrong? Thanks Carlton… as always I very much appreciate your thoughts and response! Best, Yoeri

    1. PS: I have built full (Di2) bikes from scratch… so decent from a bike mechanic POV.

    2. Internal battery BTR2.You need open battery and leave dry. After protect with plastic;

      1. Thanks! Any other feedback? Will def give this a try…. should I also I let the junction B box dry out?

        1. No need dry Junction B because principal problem is water vapor in integrated circuit inside internal battery.For better result use hair dryer( no hot option!) for dry all inside battery

          1. Thanks, so you guess that the battery will be just fine after a solid dry? Thanks again for the help… this was very helpful!!

          2. Hi Sandro, just wanted to let you know that your solution worked brilliantly! Thanks again for the advice! Best, Yoeri

  32. Hi to all
    can somebody tell me if by having a ICD (implantable cardioverter defrillator) fitted to my heart?
    Any advice would be really appreciated, many thanks

  33. I have the Di29070. I added the EWW wireless to it (LBS) My Garmin Edge 1000 cannot see it. I ahve updated the firmware on the Di2. Still, changing gears while searching for the DI2 on the Garmin, not found. Ideas?

    1. Do you make updated firmware the D-Fly ?

    2. Go to settings, sensor, di2, settings and the configure as suits

    3. Build 2.5.0 added support for SM-EWW01 (which is the D-Fly). Your local Di2 reseller can do this or you can get the special connector SM-PCE1 and update the software yourself.

      1. I’d already updated the firmware myself. I did get it working on the Garmin. Seems unrelated, but after disconnecting the rear de-railer and the D-Fly and reconnecting, it worked.

  34. Hi, In need of help with di2 9070 been working all ok no issues, started a ride on sunday in light rain ,20 miles in stopped for a comfort break then resumed ride to fine nothing working no battery lights or any sign of life ? Got home checked battery 8.32v removed all connectors and checked for water, nothing. Stripped out internal wiring and removed heat shrink from all internal plugs expecting to find water, nothing. I then checked voltage into the ew7975 connector all ok but no voltage commin out to thd outer loom. Can I assume this junction box is a known issue ? It appears to be sealed so can I cut the wires and solder manually ? Or has any one got a good one for sale? Thanks Gordon

    1. If this is a new build than be sure the connectors in the levers were installed with the cable tool, it’s impossible to plug them in all the way without it. On the 7970 stuff most often if a cable fails it will turn out to be the junction cable, also check that the junction cable is complety clicked in the junction box plug, you should hear a snap when plugged in, again the cable tool is needed to remove and plug these connectors.

      1. The Junction Box is completely sealed with potting. and the wires are molded in.Part number is ew7975
        7DF JH0N0932 ?

        1. Yes junction box B on a EW7975 harness is sealed doubt that is the issue. Did you check the connectors? How long was the system working befor the probelum.

          1. Finally traced the fault to the EW79A junctionA pin out all connections but no output to switches or no lights on indicators.
            battery voltage and ground reaching the connector and both front and rear mech.Suspect water may have got in to the electrics ? Have you got any second hand good dura ace looms? Thanks Gordon

    2. BTW I do sell a modified EW7975 harness with a seat post battery on ebay. You will not find any others for sale.

  35. Mmm, possible expensive mis-guided purchases. Set up; ST-R785 shifters/brakes, SM-A-E Ultegra 3-Cable Junction:SM BTR1 battery, SM BMR2 battery mount, SM-JC40 External Junction, FD-6770 and RD-6770.

    Everything is connected, long press on the button on the SM-EW67-A-E Ultegra 3-Cable Junction makes the FD-6770 and RD-6770 move throughout their range, but when returned to normal the shifters don’t move the FD-6770 or the RD-6770.

    Any ideas? First time with Di2, nothing to compare it to.

    1. Did you update the firmware with e tube project?

      1. Not yet, FD is new, RD second hand, battery new, battery mount second hand. Shifters new.

        This set up requires the SM-PCE1 to upgrade? Is that right?

        1. And if I do get hold of a SM-PCE1 where do I plug it into, currently all ports are full.

        2. you need to update the components to the same firmware version, PCE1 will do that, also buy an EW-SD50 cable and JC40 junction box if all the ports are used up than its easy to plug it in at the RD.

          1. Everyone can relax, setup fixed. No updates required, I had just failed to correctly insert the wires into both shifters. Feel like a dick, but thank you for all your help, and my setup with the hydro brakes definitely works, that is of some interest perhaps….

  36. Mmm, possible expensive mis-guided purchases. Set up; ST-R785 shifters/brakes, SM-A-E Ultegra 3-Cable Junction:SM BTR1 battery, SM BMR2 battery mount, SM-JC40 External Junction, FD-6770 and RD-6770.
    Everything is connected, long press on the button on the SM-EW67-A-E Ultegra 3-Cable Junction makes the FD-6770 and RD-6770 move throughout their range, but when returned to normal the shifters don’t move the FD-6770 or the RD-6770.
    Any ideas? First time with Di2, nothing to compare it to.

  37. Hi Carlton, great site.

    I have a question about using e-tube with a 11spd FD-6870.

    Previously I had a full Di2 10spd FD-6770 setup and no electronic FD adjustment, but now that I’ve upgraded everything to 11spd, there is a section regarding “Front derailleur adjustment setting” that has me scratching my head.

    I’ve done the usual manual inner and outer limit screw adjustments, but do not understand the intent of using the “Front derailleur adjustment setting” while the rear is in cog 1 (innermost) and front is in the big/outer ring. Can you elaborate?

    1. Hi Carlton,Finally traced the fault to the EW79A junctionA pin out all connections but no output to switches or no lights on indicators.
      battery voltage and ground reaching the connector and both front and rear mech.Suspect water may have got in to the electrics ? Have you got any second hand good dura ace looms? Thanks Gordon

    2. clarification of my question above… when using the etube FD cage position adjustment (after adjusting the limit set screws), should that tuning feature be set so that the inner plate or outer plate is closest to the chain?

      1. Ok, after phoning Shimano Tech Support and experimenting, here’s my understanding…

        The FD-6870 trim adjustment effects the auto-trim position. So for example, if the FD outer plate rubs the chain when using the 6th largest cog, you would want to adjust the FD trim outward a couple ticks. However, you can only perform this adjustment while in the big-ring/big-cog combination. Etube forces the derailleurs into this maximum cross-chained position, whereas during the manual method you must shift to these positions yourself. The adjustment feature is accessible via either the A-Junction box, or the “Front derailleur adjustment setting” in the etube software, and should be used only after you have already set the physical inner/outer limit screws.

        That you cannot perform this adjustment while in the 5th or 6th rear cog or the small chainring, is a bit of a nuisance. I have no idea why Shimano created this restriction.

  38. I have 9070 group with 5 port junction. It had been working flawlessly previously. I moved it to a new bike and now I get at least a 1-5 button press hesitation before the rear derailleur shifts. When it begins to shift, it does shift well and rapidly. If I don’t shift for some period of time (at least 1-2 minutes), it hesitates again and takes 1-2 button presses to shift. Ive taken the wires out and inspected them and even replaced the RD cable. Strangely when I have the system charging there’s absolutely no hesitation with initial button presses no matter how long I leave it (longer pause from shifting = more nonactive presses of the button before shift occurs). The battery level was at least 50% when I started and now fully charged. I went to Etube and it doesn’t recognize anything. It somehow tried to update firmware of the battery and FD, and I went through those procedures. It still doesn’t recognize any components. I also did a crash reset and unplugged the battery. Help?!?!! Thanks.

    1. Interesting, I have the exactly the same problem since last week. Hope somebody can help as I am also running out of ideas.

      1. The PCE-1 said possible battery error (the brains of the system). I have ordered a new battery and will update you.

        1. I did some testing last night and I come to the same conclusion. Let me know if a new bat fixes the issues for you.

          1. I spoke with Shimano who said that they’ve never seen a battery go bad. They suggested I hook the battery DIRECTLY to the PCE-1 and it immediately recognized it and TOTALLY FIXED the problem. Previously I had hooked the PCE-1 to the junction rather than directly to the battery.

            BTW: I did order a new battery and it worked fine.

  39. Hi Carlton, I just finished installing an older (I think, I don’t know how to tell, I just got a comment on one of the forums that it was 1st generation) 7970 di2 system on a folder and it works great. I was lucky enough to get an extra 7970 rear deraileur that needed a part and fixed it !. Would it be too expensive to put together a Di2 system around the rear deraileur with 6770 and 7970 parts or do they have to be 7970 specific? I won’t need the front shift levers as I am using flat bars and cateye shift buttons. Would I just need a front / rear harness and battery? Since I already have the charger base I won’t need it.

    1. Whoops, sorry I wasted everyone’s time. I just read Carlton’s article and answered my questions. I just still have one, are all the 7970 parts interchangeable?

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