Files and Downloads

Reviews of the Philips Pronto Pro TSU6000 and TSU7000 are below, here are files for these remotes:

Download my Philips ProntoPro NG TSU7000 PCF file: Version 2b includes the following devices: Onkyo TX-DS939, Sony HS-51, Philips DSR6000 DirecTv TiVo (code sets 0, 1, and 2), Hughes HR10-250 High Definition DirecTv TiVo (code sets 0, 1, and 2), Velodyne HGS 15 subwoofer, Microsoft Xbox, Windows Media Center Edition 2005, TheaterTek DVD, JVC 830u VCR, Toshiba SD2108 DVD Player, Marantz VPL-12s1 Projector, Toshiba CX35f60 35″ Television.

Download my Philips ProntoPro TSU6000 CCF file: Version 8 Includes the following devices: Onkyo TX-DS939, Philips DSR6000 DirecTv TiVo (code set 0), Velodyne HGS 15 subwoofer, Microsoft Xbox, JVC 830u VCR, Toshiba SD2108 DVD Player, Marantz VPL-12s1 Projector, Toshiba CX35f60 35″ Television.

Download my Sony VPL-HS51 / VPL-HS50 PCF file: (Requires ProntoProEdit NG 2.0 or later.) Contains all discrete remote control commands, many of which were not previously documented (hue, sharpness, color, status on / off / show, DDE toggle, picture mute toggle, etc.). Also contains the entire 256 code command set from which the new commands were found. (Code set created using MakeHex and IRPanels, see this thread on RemoteCentral for details.)

Download the 256 color pallet for ProntoProEdit: This pallet is used for creating full color icons in Adobe Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, or many other image editing programs. Otherwise, use the 215 color web-safe pallet. (Note: Pronto Edit and the Pronto emulator will not show all 256 colors. However, the Tonto editor and the ProntoPro remote display all 256.)

Quick Review: Philips ProntoPro NG TSU7000

The screen on this remote is absolutely beautiful. I was very impressed by the appearance of this remote as soon as I started using it. ProntoProNG Edit was very similar to previous versions and I had a working PCF file after after about an hour of importing and editing my older 6000 CCF file. However, there were some minor annoyances that I found about the 7000 that were not issues with the 6000. Here a list of the good and bad:

Improvement Highlights of the 7000 over the 6000:

  • Much better high color screen with no banding (64,000 colors vs. 256 colors on the 6000)
  • More hard buttons
  • Alpha transparency and PNG image support for images and soft button on the screen for see-through effects
  • A ‘back’ command to send you to whichever screen you were previously using
  • Fully-editable screen, even the info/status section along the top
    Page jumps are faster
  • Buttons can now have multiple lines of text
  • Other various improvements have been incorporated with subsequent firmware updates, such as better RF support, command duration timers, and Windows Media Center “toggle key” remote support

Weaknesses of the 7000 as compared to the 6000:

  • The 9 buttons along the edge of the screen are quite difficult to distinguish from one another. It is difficult to use these 9 buttons without looking at the remote, which is difficult in the dark. This can be fixed by gluing pin heads to the top of the buttons (see this how-to), but why should you have to modify something you just spent several hundred dollars on?
  • The button backlight does not automatically illuminate. As stated before, the buttons are a little difficult to distinguish from one another by feel alone, as would be the case in a dark theater room. The only way to illuminate the button backlight is to press the button on the side of the remote. The 6000 did not have this problem nor does the new Marantz RC9500.
  • The pickup sensor can’t be fully configured to wake up the screen, the button backlights, both, or neither.

Quick Review: Philips ProntoPro TSU6000

For the past several years, my remote of choice has been a Philips Pronto. I started with the original TSU-1000 and upgraded to a ProntoPro TSU6000. The color screen, the pickup sensor, the RF base station, and the additional hard buttons are great improvements over the original version. However, I do wish I had gotten the Marantz 9200 because of the additional hard buttons, the programmable ‘back to previous page’ command, and the fact that more of the screen space can be used for user-edited buttons. If fact, I think I still prefer the Marantz 9200 over the quirky new ProntoPro TSU7000 except for it having fewer hard buttons.

Visit the RemoteCentral file download section to older versions of my CCF or to search for other component files.

Visit the official Philips Pronto website for Pronto Edit software and firmware updates.

Visit the Tonto Project CCF editor website. This alternative editor to ProntoEdit that works on all platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux) and has a few additional features not found in ProntoEdit. (Note: This project is no longer active.)

DIY NiMH Battery Pack Replacement

I attempted to replace the NiMH AAA batteries within my ProntoPro battery pack. Unfortunately, I was unable to get the battery pack to work with the ProntoPro, perhaps due to it producing lower voltage than the Philips battery pack. However, fully-functional extended batteries are available from Do NOT order from ProntoBattery dot com because of multiple fraud reports.

Instead of making your own battery pack, I recommend just buying one. If you want some general instructions for building your own, check out my (partially successful) Pronto Battery Assembly Guide.


  1. DIY NiMH Battery Pack Replacement
    Cannot seem to find the link for this project
    its not on the project page ??
    please send file
    thanks vince

  2. Vince, since I never got my batter pack to work, I removed that page from my site. Sorry for any confusion.

  3. Please tell me the website about DIY batterr. I think I’ll be able to figure out. I just need connector number and wire configuration.


  4. I wish to download the Tonto installer for Windows. It does not seem to be available anywhere. Only the OS X version is available. May I request you for help in this matter



  5. Jatinder: I’m not sure why you can’t find it. It’s on the download page of the Tonto site to which I linked above. Tonto Download page. Seeing as it hasn’t been updated since 2004 and it only works with the old Pronto models, I recommend using the Philips Pronto Edit software instead.

  6. Eran: Go to the Files Page and search for the components. You can import CCF files (from the Pronto Classic) into the PCF file for your TSU-7000. Obviously, you can also import PCF files from other Pronto NG users.

  7. Hi there,

    Just purchase the TSU7000 and am looking for PCF files for these devices:

    Denon Reciver AVR 883 (RC-916)
    Denon DVD DVM 1815 (RC-946)
    Pioneer Elite Plasma TV (Pioneer Pro RO5U)
    Dish Network HDTV Reciver (VIP622 DVR)

    Can you help finding the proper files,


  8. Thank you for the quick responce.

    I’ve search the site foe several hours, found many files but not the one for these specific devices.
    Any comparable devices I can use?

  9. Generally, manufacturers tend to reuse codes for similar devices, but there is no way to know for sure what will work with your components unless you download them and give them a test. Once you know what you’re doing, it only takes a couple of minutes to download and test file. Good Luck!

  10. I want to use my Pronto TSU9400 with my Windows vista media centre. Can this be done and if so how?
    Any help appreciated. regrads

    1. Tony, the easiest way is to get the Microsoft Remote and USB IR receiver and control it that way. Another option is to install IntelliRemote on the PC and control it directly over Ethernet using ProntoScript. This is what I plan to do, but still haven’t had a chance to get it working. Here are the detail, but I haven’t had a chance to apply them yet. Please let me know if you make any progress on this:

      To use Intelliremote both from a Telnet window or from your android Application…. You must do these in order or it will not work.

      1. Open a socket to port 6000. You will see the response “200 Intelliremote Server”.

      2. Send the command “version”. The response will be VER:Version : You can use this to display on the G1 to know what version of the server the user is using.

      3. Send the command “verify”. This returns the value “VFY:271845” which you can use to make sure the number is greater than 271000. this is how I control upgrades on the client. If a user is using an older version of Intelliremote Server this should throw an error telling them their version is old and disconnect.

      4. Send the command “model Philips Pronto”. This will return “VFY:271845” also but this will display in Intelliremote Info tab and log file what device is connected.

      5. Send the command “device 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890”. In the iPhone this is the 40 digit iphone id and this step is REQUIRED or Intelliremote will not respond to more command. It’s just one more security check to make sure someone isn’t just scanning port. This returns the BASE64 Image of the currently loaded profile!

      6. Now Intelliremote is connected and ready to be controlled. Send the command “TCP22” which is mapped in the XML profile to the Play command. The response will be “MSG:Play/Pause”. I always send back the name of the button you pressed so you can get some feedback to the user.

      7. The commands are TCP1-TCP55. Send TCP100 and you will see “ERR:TCP Command Unknown”. Anything that begins with ERR you should display an error to the user.

      {TCP/IP Socket Commands}
      TCP_0: string = ‘TCP0’;
      TCP_1: string = ‘TCP1’;
      TCP_2: string = ‘TCP2’;
      TCP_3: string = ‘TCP3’;
      TCP_4: string = ‘TCP4’;
      TCP_5: string = ‘TCP5’;
      TCP_6: string = ‘TCP6’;
      TCP_7: string = ‘TCP7’;
      TCP_8: string = ‘TCP8’;
      TCP_9: string = ‘TCP9’;
      TCP_STAR: string = ‘TCP10’;
      TCP_POUND: string = ‘TCP11’;
      TCP_CLEAR: string = ‘TCP12’;
      TCP_ENTER: string = ‘TCP13’;
      TCP_VOLUP: string = ‘TCP14’;
      TCP_VOLDOWN: string = ‘TCP15’;
      TCP_CHANNELUP: string = ‘TCP16’;
      TCP_CHANNELDOWN: string = ‘TCP17’;
      TCP_RECORD: string = ‘TCP18’;
      TCP_STOP: string = ‘TCP19’;
      TCP_REWIND: string = ‘TCP20’;
      TCP_FASTFORWARD: string = ‘TCP21’;
      TCP_PLAY: string = ‘TCP22’;
      TCP_PREVIOUS: string = ‘TCP23’;
      TCP_PAUSE: string = ‘TCP24’;
      TCP_NEXT: string = ‘TCP25’;
      TCP_ARROWLEFT: string = ‘TCP26’;
      TCP_ARROWUP: string = ‘TCP27’;
      TCP_ARROWRIGHT: string = ‘TCP28’;
      TCP_ARROWDOWN: string = ‘TCP29’;
      TCP_SELECTOK: string = ‘TCP30’;
      TCP_BACK: string = ‘TCP31’;
      TCP_INFO: string = ‘TCP32’;
      TCP_MUTE: string = ‘TCP33’;
      TCP_GREENBUTTON: string = ‘TCP34’;
      TCP_RADIO: string = ‘TCP35’;
      TCP_MUSIC: string = ‘TCP36’;
      TCP_PICTURES: string = ‘TCP37’;
      TCP_VIDEOS: string = ‘TCP38’;
      TCP_RECORDEDTV: string = ‘TCP39’;
      TCP_GUIDE: string = ‘TCP40’;
      TCP_LIVETV: string = ‘TCP41’;
      TCP_DVDMENU: string = ‘TCP42’;
      TCP_POWER: string = ‘TCP43’;
      TCP_RED: string = ‘TCP44’;
      TCP_GREEN: string = ‘TCP45’;
      TCP_YELLOW: string = ‘TCP46’;
      TCP_BLUE: string = ‘TCP47’;
      TCP_TELETEXT: string = ‘TCP48’;
      TCP_ASPECT: string = ‘TCP49’;
      TCP_PRINT: string = ‘TCP50’;
      TCP_VIZUALIZATION: string = ‘TCP51’;
      TCP_SLOW: string = ‘TCP52’;
      TCP_STEP: string = ‘TCP53’;
      TCP_EAX: string = ‘TCP54’;
      TCP_DISPLAY: string = ‘TCP55’;

  11. Does anyone know how I can get a copy of Pronto Edit for my TSU 6000? All my geat has been in storage for the past 3 years and lost track of the software.

    The Philips web site is very weak in terms of support. So it is either buried deep or non-existent.

  12. Carlton,

    I have been unable to get any type of a response from Philips, especially since they closed the books. I need to get a copy of ProntoProEdit and was wondering if you had any ideas where I could get a copy?


    Great information on your site by they way.

  13. Hi Carlton,
    I am looking for a Universal remote to control my TV and Projector which are on different floors of my home. And I an currently thinking of concentrating all my equipment (A/V receiver, different media players, streaming devices ) in once place in my home out of sight. I was researching your recommendation of Philips Pronto when I found that Phiips has shuttered that division. Do you have another recommendation. I would prefer one where I can get my hands into programming the macros.

    1. Author

      Yes, the Pronto is unfortunately long dead, but I’m still using mine!

      I now recommend the top-model Logitech Harmony remote for most people. They are very capable and easy to program. My upgrade recommendation is the Neeo remote. The Neeo is what I’ll eventually get to replace my Prontos.

      1. Thank you Carlton… Neeo is the kind I am looking for.. with it’s own sdk. I am willing to wait for something like that.

        1. Author

          I agree. I wish I would have pre-ordered a Neeo. They’ve been shipping for a while now, but can’t keep up with demand, so there is still a wait after placing the order.

          BTW, I met the founder Raphael a few weeks ago. Great guy and I’m happy for him and his company’s success.

          1. Thank you for responding to me. I would not have known about neeo otherwise. I look forward to your review of neeo when you get to your hands on it.

  14. Carlton,
    Having just made changes to my equipment, I am using a Pronto TS-1000 and a TSU-7500 to control all the devices of two separate A/V systems (different systems in different rooms). The Prontos have been able to “Learn” all of the codes on all of the devices except, the DISH 40.0 remote. The Prontos will learn some of the codes, i.e., TV Power, Volume, Mute, but none of the codes specifically associated with the satellite receiver.
    Is it possible for these Prontos to learn directly from the 40.0? (If so, how?)
    Or, is their another way that I can get the Prontos the codes they need to control the DISH receiver?
    Or, am I SOL?
    Thanks very much for any guidance you can give me?

    1. Author

      Marty, I’m pretty sure the Dish remotes communicate with the satellite receiver via RF, not IR. You will not be able to learn codes from it. I recommend seeing if you can find the Dish IR codes on or buy an All4One remote and learn the codes from it.

      1. Carlton,
        I thought that might be the case. I’ll look into getting the DISH codes. If all else fails, I’ll bite the bullet and upgrade.
        I greatly appreciate your help, especially so quickly.

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