1. Thanks for this post – I was looking into online photo sites that allow me to upload NEF files and I can’t find any either. I’ve been using Flickr for some time now and that’s my biggest feature request. What is your pipeline like for uploading and printing photos? Do you batch-convert them to JPGs locally and then upload them to one of these services?

  2. Rob: I was surprised that even Nikon’s photo sharing service did not support NEF. So I’m doing exactly as you mentioned; I adjust/edit the photos in RAW/NEF format and then batch-convert the JPEG, saving them in a temporary directory, before uploading them to ShutterFly. It’s an unfortunate draw-back of shooting in RAW.

  3. That’s unfortunate news. I will confess, I went back to shooting JPG recently, and only shooting NEF on “special” occasions. I found the process too much hassle. It’s immensely frustrating that there isn’t a site that allows you to upload NEF files natively and perform conversions on them!

  4. Hi Carlton,
    I stumble upon your blog post and I thought to leave you a note to tell you about the new printing service that we just released in our website picwing.com

    With this service you email your pictures from your mobile phone or computer to your Picwing account. Then every 2 weeks, we’ll automatically print the pictures you sent and mail them to anyone you like. We think this is very convenient way to share pictures with the people that may not use a computer or prefer printed pictures.

    I hope you can check it out and tell us what you think.
    Thanks !



  5. Enrique, will picwing support raw (NEF) files?

    I’m back to shooting RAW. I wish my pipeline was better.

  6. Hi Rob,
    Unfortunately we don’t suport NEF files yet. Most of our users take pictures with cell phones and share them through email. I just added it to our list of requested features though.

    Let us know if you have comments or suggestions about our site.

    Thanks !


  7. Since you wrote this post, Picasa Web Albums seems to have become a contender for ease-of-use. The business model is slightly different from Flickr, because it’s not a single annual fee, but based on storage space. The printing provider is Snapfish, which may work for people not resident in the U.S. better than Shutterfly (or other Flickr associates).

    I’ve recently documented my workflow for digital photos (capturing, archiving, printing, web sharing and photoblogging), and haven’t gone to the point of sharing to the grandparents. I am still negotiating with my wife, who would prefer to print to the local drug store or grocery store, but the workflow from an online photo archive (i.e. in the cloud) isn’t supported by retailers who use pnimedia.com .

    1. Author

      Thanks David. Fantastic article. I’ve ended up with a similar solution to yours: Picasa for general image management and xnView for more fine-level control. Picasa support for Nikon RAW (*.NEF) is the addition I was looking for. I purchased full Nikon software, but find Picasa easier and better suited to the limited amount of time I have to devote to photo maintenance.

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